Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Video!

I'm back again and I've just ventured into my first video creation which is now up on youtube for you all the view. Let me know what you think, etc...

I whipped this baby up in 20 mins. Those pics of the lightsabers were are taken by yours truly. A little gritty because it was on a cell phone camera. Little kids sure are funny. I thought it was too funny to pass up the oppurtunity to not post up.

The video rejuvenated something in me. I think the designer/creator/inventor side of me. I feel like I'm on a cloud where I can do anything I want. I can create anything, there are no limits.

It's extremely hot and humid here in Manhattan. Really disgusting. If you live in the area, stay at the office for the extra AC or just go somewhere cooler. It's not worth killing yourself in this humidity.

How is everyone else doing? Life? How is everything? I want to know. I feel that everything and everyone is becoming distant. The connections aren't as tight as they used to be. They're still there, just not as close.

Til next time!


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